Who we help
TLTV is dedicated to providing free legal advice to veterans and spouses of deceased veterans in Tarrant County.
Who we are
Volunteer attorneys, paralegals, and law students across Tarrant County providing free legal advice at clinics and further help beyond the clinics to those who qualify.
Why we do what we do
TLTV seeks to provide a coordinated pro bono network of lawyers and volunteers to assist veterans who otherwise could not afford counsel through the development of legal clinics and a pro bono attorney network.

- Develop legal clinics to provide legal consultations in diverse areas of law to veterans and their widows/widowers
- Develop a network of attorneys willing to take at least one pro-bono case a year for an applicant
- Compile a list a list of additional state and local resources that could assist veterans and their families
- Develop a collaboration between the local communities in the 16 counties served by the VA Outpatient Clinic in Fort Worth to be able to provide referrals and other resources to the veterans that need assistance in those counties
- Work with the Veterans Administration, state, county, and city agencies, as well as non-profit organizations to disseminate the information about the legal clinics.
Under the leadership of State Bar of Texas President, Terry Tottenham, the State Bar established a statewide program for free legal clinics for Texas veterans and the spouses of deceased veterans in 2010.